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Student Success Award

One (1) award annually, $1,000

Description:  The Student Success Award recognizes faculty and teaching staff who have demonstrated excellence in engaging students in learning, and promoted student advancement through teaching in General Education courses.

Eligibility:  All full-time and part-time faculty who teach at least one General Education course at EKU.  

Selection Criteria:  All criteria should be based on work in General Education courses:

  • Designs active learning experiences that support student learning outcomes

  • Engages in effective teaching practices (e.g.:  high-impact practices, timely feedback, integration of students’ co-curricular activities into learning experiences)

  • Has a passion for learning and for course topics that, in turn, generates student interest

  • Describes how assessment data is used to improve instruction

  • Connects General Education outcomes to disciplinary major, career goals, and marketable skills

  • Routinely mentors students

  • Maintains awareness of and guides students to university resources to ensure student support (e.g. Noel Studio, Student Success Center, Counseling services, Veterans support, Advising etc..)

  • Creates an inclusive classroom environment that recognizes diverse student experiences and utilizes inclusive language and materials

Application Process & Materials:  

Narrative:  Each applicant should submit a narrative (600 words or less) describing their contributions to student success, with emphasis on the areas noted above.  

Examples/Materials: Three (3) pieces of evidence (examples, course materials, evaluations, etc.) that best showcase the applicant’s work in student success should be submitted. Due to the variance of practices and disciplines, applicants are encouraged to submit a brief description (no more than one paragraph each) with the examples/materials to provide additional context and aid in the evaluator’s understanding.

Letters: Each submission is required to have a letter of support from their department chairperson describing how the applicant actively supports student success through teaching practices.  Two (2) additional letters describing the impact of the faculty member’s practice should be included as well.  Letters from students are particularly encouraged.


Applications for this award will be due by January 15th.  A committee will review the applications, score using a rubric that highlights selection criteria, and recommend a recipient, to be awarded during the annual Faculty Awards and Recognition ceremony.

Apply for this award here.

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