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General Education Featured Faculty


Krista Kimmel 

Senior Lecturer

  • What General Education course(s) are you teaching? In what Element?

I teach CMS 100, Introduction to Human Communication; CMS 210, Public Speaking; and CMS 215, Business and Professional Presentations, which all fulfill Element 1-C requirements.

  • Why do you enjoy teaching in our General Education program?

I appreciate the opportunity to share the discipline of communication with students. For most of them, the Element 1-C course will be the only communication class they take in college. Thus, I emphasize the relevance and applicability of communication in their academic, professional, and personal lives. In class, we focus on “everyday” communication examples and how we might improve those interactions. 

  • As a faculty member, what is your role in teaching students in General Education courses?

My most important role is to facilitate the development of students’     communication skills. Communication courses are often intimidating to students for a host of reasons. It’s important for me to recognize a struggling student and reach out to them with support and encouragement. Likewise, I seek to acknowledge and praise student progress and growth, no matter the increment. 

  • What recommendations do you have for faculty teaching General Education courses at EKU? 

1. I believe transparency and reflection are essential components of learning. Share with your students the purpose and goal for each assignment. Talk about the knowledge and skills they are developing in your classroom on a regular basis. Low-stakes reflection papers are a terrific way for students to think critically about their own progress, while providing you with helpful feedback on your assignments.

2. Emphasize your humanity. Share some of your academic or professional challenges with your students. Students are much more likely to approach an instructor for help if that faculty member is open and authentic. Mutual trust and respect are the foundations to building a successful student-instructor partnership.

  • What is the role of General Education in a student’s academic career?

A student’s future profession is just one part of their identity. The General Education program develops students as community members, leaders, problem-solvers, information-seekers, innovators, and so much more. The knowledge and skills attained through General Education prepares students to be active, global citizens, capable of engaging with complex issues of importance to them.

Published on January 26, 2022

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