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General Education Featured Faculty

Julie Lasslo

Dr. Julie Lasslo  

Associate Professor

Department of Health Promotion & Administration

  • What General Education course(s) are you teaching? In what Element?

Each semester, I teach a section of HEA 310 (Introduction to Global Health) and HEA 216 (Introduction to Public Health). HEA 310 is an Element 6 course and HEA 216 is Element 5b. 

  • Why do you enjoy teaching in our General Education program?

Like any EKU professor, I love that I get a front-row seat to witness something beyond what exams and projects can assess–personal growth. I have found that teaching a Gen Ed course adds to a student's knowledge base in a unique way as they broaden their perspective beyond the course work provided by their major classes. I hope that each student leaves the class as a more well-rounded individual who can contribute to our diverse global society. I can’t emphasize enough how important and beautiful it is to share a classroom with students from various programs. Their knowledge and experience enrich the course in ways that I can’t. I can honestly say that teaching these courses is a delight to me.

  • As a faculty member, what is your role in teaching students in General Education courses?

As a faculty member, one of the best aspects of my job is to foster an environment in the classroom that allows students to share their various experiences and expertise with others in the class. Being a part of a Gen Ed course enables students from various academic programs to do just that. When speaking about the impact of culture on health, one student shared her experience growing up in Nepal and being a part of the caste system. Her testimony went far beyond what my lecture could provide, and it was a valuable learning experience for the whole class (myself included). During another class discussion, as I spoke about global hunger initiatives, an agriculture major shared about new farming techniques that will improve global food production. I, in turn, get to share my public health expertise with students from across the campus who may never get to engage with a health-specific class. Hopefully, these classes are an avenue to enhance their health-related self-efficacy and knowledge base. In short, my role as a Gen Ed instructor is to provide an environment that allows all of us in the classroom to learn together and from each other, thus filling gaps in knowledge and broadening perspectives. 

  • What recommendations do you have for faculty teaching General Education courses at EKU? 

Teaching a Gen Ed course is a unique opportunity. Students in these classes bring a myriad of experiences and expertise to the group dynamic. These classes encourage my personal growth and are an enjoyable part of my week. I would encourage other faculty members to take advantage of the opportunity to teach a Gen Ed course. You will feel more connected to the student body as a whole, and you will walk away from the semester a more equipped and well-rounded educator.

Published on April 29, 2022

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